About me
My name is Kaan Giray Buzluk and I’m an open-source software developer. That means I work on software projects that are free to use, modify, and distribute. Why? Because I believe knowledge should be free and open to everyone. I’m also studying computer science at the RWTH Aachen University in Germany.
Latest projects
- vanilla-router - The unofficial Router for vanilla Javascript
- Mezzo - A simple, open-source music player
- ripples - WebRTC Client for Ripples
- deeep-thought - An internet puzzle game
- Analytics - Simple, open-source web analytics alternative
- jekyll-template - Use this template to create a simple Jekyll site for your project
- Messenger - An open-source end-to-end encrypted P2P Messenger
- peerjs-server-auth - Server for PeerJS with Authentication
- studydrive-downloader - Using webRequests to intercept and download files from Studydrive
- Pages - Serve web pages directly from your browser
- videoshare - Stream videos using P2P
- Store - Simple Object Storage
- Berry-TV - A media center for the Raspberry Pi
- Nocturne - An open-source client-side PDF editor with configurable pipelines
- Geddit - An open-source, Reddit client for Android without using their API
- Endless - Unifying the social media experience
- Forte - Self-hosted, music streaming platform
- Sync - A P2P Synchronized Media Player
- Deezer+ - Alternative Deezer Web Player with extra features
- Sync Everything - A Firefox Extension to synchronize video playback between P2P devices
- Share - A Web App for P2P File Sharing
- Pixel Motion Photos - Convert Motion Photos on the web
- Alles gut? - Collaborative Daily Status
- GitLounge - Social Networking off GitHub
- KGBDns - Free self-hosted DDNS service
- FakeAI - Imitating Human Responses
- RedDown - Client-side Reddit Media Downloader
- Sourtimes - The Python Eksisozluk API Wrapper
- cAPIsce - An Open-Source API Testing Tool
- tracker.fm - See what your Last.fm friends are listening to in real-time
- xchain - Encrypt Files with Shared Keys
- easy-click - Use Your Keyboard To Simulate Mouse Clicks
- shortcut - Serverless URL Redirector
- gitlinker - An Idiotic URL Shortener created by kaangiray26
- tunein-cli - Browse and listen to TuneIn stations from the command line
- pitch-perfect - One Time Pad Implementation with a GUI
- drifter - Another GTK Client for Reddit
Other stuff
I love analog photography, and I have a collection of nice pictures I’ve taken. You can check them out in the gallery.
Since July 2023, a little script has been running on a server, recording the songs played on Radyo Eksen. You can find them as playlists in my other Spotify profile. They are updated daily and contain some amazing songs that you may not have heard before.
There is also a page where I share some of my poems. Feel free to check them out.